Early intervention has been proven in studies to be the most effective practice to maximize a child progress in their early years. Once your child is evaluated and an assessment is completed an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is put in place for therapists to implement services if your child is eligible.
Treating developmental delays early on rather than waiting can prevent potential challenges with behavior, learning, reading and social interaction for children. Early intervention therapy can improve, but is not limited to, the following:
EI is behavior, language but also delayed in muscular and physical strength needed to participate in development and play. ie’ having the muscles to sit up, play with other kids, balance to kick a book, go down a slide etc.
Treating developmental delays early on rather than waiting can prevent potential problems with behavior, learning, reading and social interaction for children. Early intervention therapy can improve, but is not limited to, the following:
Early intervention services can bring your family a greater understanding of your toddler’s needs. You will be taught how to divide learning down into small steps for your toddler. Our team provides early intervention practices that will enhance development, including learning how to potty train. Social skills are a benefit from enhancing development.